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En el idioma ingles existen dos verbos que significan hacer y que son Do y Make, solo que el primero se usa para realizar actividades mentales o físicas. Y Make para actividades que puedes tocar, es decir manufacturar o fabricar. No existe una regla exacta para estos dos verbos, por lo que debemos aprenderlos de memoria y razonarlos.
An explanation
The two verbs 'do' and 'make' are often confused. The meanings are similar, but there are differences.
"do (du) (hacer)" = It refers to a physical or mental activity . (Se refiere a una actividad física o mental.)
'Do' for Activities
Use the verb 'do' to express daily activities or jobs. Notice that these are usually activities that produce no physical object.
Do me a favor (du mi a feivor).               Hacerme un favor
Do a job(du a yob)                                    (hacer un trabajo)
Do time (du taim)                                       (hacer tiempo).
Do a service (du a servis)                        (hacer un servicio).
Do the homework (du de jomwork)       (hacer la tarea).

Do housework(du jauswork)                 (hacer el quehacer)
Do the dishes (du de dishes)                  (limpiar los platos).
Do the ironing(du de aironing)             (planchar)
Do exercise (du exersais)                        (hacer ejercicio).
Do body activities (do bodi activitis)      (hacer actividades corporales).

Do the shopping (du de shoping)         (hacer las compras).
Do the best (du de best)                           (hacer lo mejor).
Do one´s best.   "one´s" representa cualquier "possessive adjectives".
Do the cleaning (du de clining)              (hacer la limpieza).

Do wonders (du wonders)                       (hacer maravillas).
It is hard to do (it is jard tu du)                (es difícil de hacer).
Do one´s hair / teeth / nails (du wuans je..r / ti..d / neils.  (peinarse el cabello /
                                                                             lavarse los dientes / cortarse las uñas)
Do for a living (du for a living)                (hacer para ganarse la vida).
Do well at (du wel at)                                (hacer bien en).
Do badly at (du badli at)                          (hacer mal en).
A veces se usa "do" para hacer énfasis o recalcar mucho una acción:
People do make mistakes sometimes. ( du meik misteiks somtaims)
(la gente de hecho hace o comete errores algunas veces)
It does seem rather late.   (it dos si..m rader leit)   (en efecto parece muy tarde)
They do work very hard. (Dei du work vewri jard) (Ellos si trabajan muy duro)
'Do' for General Ideas
Use the verb 'do' when speaking about things in general. In other words, when we do not exactly name an activity. This form is often used with the words 'something, nothing, anything, everything, etc.'
I'm not doing anything today.
He does everything for his mother.
She's doing nothing at the moment.
Important Expressions with 'Do'
There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'do'. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English.
do one's best
do good
do harm
do a favour
do business
Make Explained
"make (meik) (hacer, fabricar)" = se refiere a hacer, crear o fabricar algo con las manos.
'Make' for Constructing, Building, Creating
Use 'make' to express an activity that creates something that you can touch.
Make one´s living (meik wuans living) (hacer la vida de uno).
Make good / bad (meik gud / bad) (hacer bien / mal).
Make a cake / lemonade / poem / song / speech / report / letter / article / appointment / deal / plan / schedule / effort / suggestion / decision/ food/
 a cup of tea / coffee / a mess.
(meik a keik / lemoneid / poem / song / spich / wriport / leder / articl / apointment / di..l / plan / skeyul / efort / sudyesshion / desishion)

(hacer un pastel / limonada / poema / canción / discurso / reporte / carta / articulo / cita / trato / plan / horario / esfuerzo / sugerencia / decisión)

Make the bed (meik de bed) (hacer o arreglar la cama).
Make a face (meik feis) (hacer una cara).
Make a phone call / arrangemente / mistake / picture / trip.

(meik a fon col / awreinchment / misteik / pictur / trip)
(hacer una llamada telefónica / acuerdo / equivocación / cuadro / viaje)

Make a good / bad use of (hacer un buen / mal uso de).
Make something better / worse.
(meik somding beder / wors)

(hacer algo mejor / peor)
Make someone happy / sad / angry / etc...

(Meik somwuan japi / sad / angri / etc...)

(Hacer o poner a alguien feliz / triste / enojado / etc...)

Nota: "someone" se puede sustituir por cualquier "object pronoun (me, you, him, her. .)".
Important Expressions with 'Make'
There are a number of standard expressions that take the verb 'make'. In a number of cases the verb 'do' seems more appropriate. These are standard collocations (verb + noun combinations) that are used in English.

make plans                           hacer planes
make an exception              hacer una excepción
make arrangements            hacer un arreglo
make a telephone call        hacer una llamada telefónica
make a decision                  hacer (tomar) una desición
make a mistake                   hacer un error
make noise                           hacer ruido
make money                        hacer dinero
make an excuse                  hacer una excusa
make an effort                      hacer un esfuerzo 

"do and make"
Complete the following sentences using do or make:
1) Please students, you must _______ your homework if you want me to ______ a favor for you.
2) What do you _______ for a living everyday?.
3) To be healthy you must _______ exercise everyday, and to be a great person, you have to ________ your best everyday at school.
4) Please, _______ that phone call to usa to say hello to our friends.
5) My mother always __________ lemonade and cakes for my breakfast, and when i got up, she _________ my bed too.
6) If you want to ________ someone happy, just be with him or her in the good or bad moments.
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